Grief is the Price We Pay for Love

This blog post has been inspired by the lovely comedienne, Jordan Kadell. Six years ago, Jordan’s family suffered a devastating loss when her brother died in a terrible accident while overseas celebrating finishing high-school.


My Trauma Story: Integration v Shame

In case you missed it or aren’t on Facebook, I posted a video yesterday about my own trauma story (see below). Actually, just one piece of my story that came back to me after 20 years. I was inspired because many survivors of trauma who I meet are still carrying around feelings of shame. Which is understandable, since shock and trauma can leave us disoriented, frozen, fearful, and ashamed. But I believe in the power of stories to…


Suicidal Ex Partner

Recently, I called off a year-long relationship with a man. Now he is calling saying he’s got nothing to live for and wanting to see me. He refuses professional help. I do believe he’s suicidal. I am concerned but I can’t lie and say I want the relationship. What do I do? Lying won’t help. […]


Do I tell him he is dying

My father is ill with a terminal disease. We’e never been close but now he seems to want to open up. I’d like to respond and build a closer relationship during this time. The problem is my emotionally fragile mother insists he not be told that he is dying. What do I do if he […]


Losing a child

Losing a child is like the emotional equivalent of scaling Mount Everest with no preparation. Some get over this massive loss but are damaged and never the same. However it is possible to get over the loss of a child and it is important, for every parent’s peace of mind, to know that.


How do I deal with depression and loss of motivation after missing another promotion?

Missing out on promotion you really feel you deserved is disconcerting. If it happens more than once, your disappointment can turn into depression. When this happens, you need to seek help. Other paths always exist.


Do I need psychological help?

I am a self-funded retiree. My family tells me I am peculiar and would benefit from consulting a psychologist. I am extremely penny-pinching when it comes to my own temporary comfort, prefer living alone and, if angered, I have a sharp and vicious tongue. Can you suggest a direction? Are you unhappy? Your family might […]


Our Facebook Page

Did you know that North Brisbane Psychologists has a Facebook page? We know how to heal emotional problems and an important part of healing is poetically outlined in this post from our Facebook page. Please feel free to like us if you would like to receive our thoughts, tips, memes and ideas.             […]


Why Cry?

“Crying is good”, I say to my clients. “You gotta cry!” I just googled “songs with the word cry in the title” and I found several dozen in one minute. But this important adaptation that humans have developed, while widely accepted in our music and literature, is seldom revered in daily life. I am surprised […]
