Healing with humour: Interview with Fiona McGary

Rachel: As a comedian, why are you interested in humour and mental health?
Fiona: I got sick in 2014. I was in bed for 4 months, my business was failing, my relationship was failing, life was bad. I had depression. I was crying in the middle of the night and stuck in bed. I’d had depression years earlier when I remembered my sexual abuse. At that time, I drank and smoked too much to cope. When I had depression in 2014, I never went back to that terrible depression like before, because I sought help. That’s when I started to use humour properly.


How to Handle Anxiety Attacks

Emily thinks she is dying. Her heart is pounding so hard it feels it will fly out of her chest. Her palms are sweaty, her breathing constricted, she is nauseous and dizzy, and she fears she’ll faint. The ambulance is called. At the hospital, Emily is told she’s had a panic attack. Panic attack? Anxiety […]


How to deal with panic attacks

I think I am having panic attacks. My heart races and I feel dizzy, hot and sweaty. It is very scary. Sometimes I can hardly breathe and I feel like I might die. What causes it and how do I stop it? Many people in the middle of a panic attack really believe they are […]


Are anti-depressants the best way to treat depression?

Antidepressants are often prescribed to treat depression. But they don’t work for everyone. Research tells us that even when you take antidepressants, you do best if you are undergoing therapy. We believe that depression is caused by…


Do I need psychological help?

I am a self-funded retiree. My family tells me I am peculiar and would benefit from consulting a psychologist. I am extremely penny-pinching when it comes to my own temporary comfort, prefer living alone and, if angered, I have a sharp and vicious tongue. Can you suggest a direction? Are you unhappy? Your family might […]


ADHD and the attention span of children

Children and young adults are more anxious, depressed and hyperactive than children were thirty years ago. Hyperactivity is the leading mental health issue for young people. Over eleven percent of Australian children are diagnosed with the condition and that number increases each year. The treatment usually offered to worried parents is drugs. For Attention Deficit […]
