My Trauma Story: Integration v Shame

In case you missed it or aren’t on Facebook, I posted a video yesterday about my own trauma story (see below). Actually, just one piece of my story that came back to me after 20 years. I was inspired because many survivors of trauma who I meet are still carrying around feelings of shame. Which is understandable, since shock and trauma can leave us disoriented, frozen, fearful, and ashamed. But I believe in the power of stories to…


How to deal with feeling humiliated and embarrassed

Our great fear is public humiliation. Most people in the public eye stuff up occasionally. The Duke of Edinburgh, for example, is renowned for it. While we may not be in the public eye like the Duke we can still identify with his situation. At some time, we too have been guilty of hurting others […]


Guilt and Shame: Radio Interview

Allow me to share a little radio interview I did with Kelly Higgins-Devine on ABC radio yesterday, May 18th 2015. We talked about the difference between guilt and shame; guilt being a more adaptive, conscious emotion and shame being less helpful and less conscious.  I also touched on how shame develops and on the importance of clarity […]


Let Go of Guilt and Regret with Self-Empathy

Living with guilt and regret sucks. It’s uncomfortable. And it’s wonderful to be free of it. We all take actions from time to time that we later regret. As humans, we are fallible. Most of us grew up being shamed or criticised by the adults in our lives. Such shaming teaches us to become self-critical. […]
