Are you a people-pleaser? What is the difference between caring about others and having empathy, and being a people-pleaser? How do you tell the difference? In this short video, Dr Rachel explains the distinction.
Read more...Are you a people-pleaser? What is the difference between caring about others and having empathy, and being a people-pleaser? How do you tell the difference? In this short video, Dr Rachel explains the distinction.
Read more...If you have no plans this Saturday June 23, come down to Northey Street City Farm in Windsor to the Winter Solstice Festival and join this free workshop with Dr Rachel Hannam from 2pm-3pm at the FairShare Tent to learn about nonviolent communication or NVC.
NVC helps us to bypass blame and judgement, and connect with feelings and needs. Here is a link to the…
Read more...Sometimes I use this process with clients who are stuck to a sticky thought and want to get unstuck! We all have sticky thoughts. These are the intrusive or compulsive beliefs or mental stories we automatically tell ourselves when stressed. These thoughts can loop endlessly in our heads. The sticky thought is almost always a […]
Read more...I often encourage my clients to practise self-empathy or self-compassion. I consider it an essential step in the process of healing and reconnecting with oneself, and others. Occasionally, people are taken aback by the idea of self-empathy. They equate a focus on the inner world with self-pity. Yet, self-empathy and self-pity are not the same […]
Read more...Living with guilt and regret sucks. It’s uncomfortable. And it’s wonderful to be free of it. We all take actions from time to time that we later regret. As humans, we are fallible. Most of us grew up being shamed or criticised by the adults in our lives. Such shaming teaches us to become self-critical. […]