The Superpower of Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation is a superpower. Whilst I was growing up, and even now as an adult, I found the X-Men Marvel characters really appealing. I mean what teenager doesn’t know the feeling of being weird, judged or like an outsider? How awesome it was to escape into a world where I could imagine having superpowers! Now I see…


We are all control freaks! Cognitive skills for finding balance

Set yourself free by recognising this one tendency we all share and how it can go awry. Life is to be lived, not controlled. Like a surfer in the waves, we need to respond to life, not stress ourselves managing and controlling it all.


Your Partner: Ally or Adversary?

Being in a long-term relationship is challenging.  It is inevitable that you will sometimes slip into cycles of withdrawing (sulking or silent treatment) and of being adversarial (defending or attacking). This is your natural fight-or-flight instinct taking hold. How partners cope with these cycles determines the quality of the relationship and, indeed, whether the relationship […]


The Power of “Even Though”

Many of us don’t act until we feel like taking action. This might work well in some areas of our lives, such as getting our hair cut.  But if we wait for the right feeling before being kind to others, starting an exercise program, or practising more patience, we may never take the critical first step. We […]


How to Develop Emotional Freedom

  Are you emotionally reactive? Do you sometimes feel emotionally out of control? If so, you lack what I call “emotional freedom.” Others might call this emotional intelligence. You have emotional freedom when: You are fully aware of your emotions. You accept the emotions that arise within you. You value your emotions. You trust your […]
