Cold-water treatment may be more beneficial than anti-depressants. Cold showers take advantage of our body’s tendency and ability to adapt to harsh conditions. As a result, our bodies become more resilient. Sometimes we feel fragile, but we are not. Many systems in our bodies are actual antifragile, meaning we can increase their capability to thrive as a result of stressors or shocks. Cold water does just this.
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Three Tips to Stop Procrastinating
Many of us are guilty of procrastination. Have you ever sat down to a complex, time-consuming task and ended up surfing Facebook or playing solitaire? Clients often mention that they struggle with procrastination and want to know why and what they can do. While there are many theories about why we procrastinate, there may be a range of reasons we procrastinate. The more important question is: What can we do? Here are a few ideas to keep in mind.
Read more...The Power of “Even Though”
Many of us don’t act until we feel like taking action. This might work well in some areas of our lives, such as getting our hair cut. But if we wait for the right feeling before being kind to others, starting an exercise program, or practising more patience, we may never take the critical first step. We […]
Read more...How to get motivated and move forward
Motivation naturally dies when you are tired. Physical illness can make you tired and unmotivated. If you are tired, visit your doctor for a health check to rule ill health out. If you are still unmotivated, you are emotionally blocked. Emotional blocks always involve an internal conflict. Here are some examples: Evan wants to study […]