Understanding Victimhood

District Court Judge, Ian Wylie, in a case of domestic violence, handed down a controversial decision. In doing so, he reminded us of the futility of making a virtue of victimhood. The judge reduced the compensation awarded to a woman who lost her eye when her defacto husband attacked her with a broomstick on the […]


Creating happy children

We think we influence our children by what we tell them. Of course, this is important. But we influence our children much more by how we say what we say, by what we don’t say, and, most importantly, by what we actually do. In effect, we are communicating to our children every moment of the day, not just when we sit down with them to have a deep and meaningful.


My partner is jealous of my past

Jealousy is one of the most difficult emotions to live with, whether you are the one who is jealous or the target of the jealousy. A jealous person harbours a deep inner insecurity. Digging this out and resolving it is possible but only if the jealous person is willing to look deeply inside him or herself.


Losing a child

Losing a child is like the emotional equivalent of scaling Mount Everest with no preparation. Some get over this massive loss but are damaged and never the same. However it is possible to get over the loss of a child and it is important, for every parent’s peace of mind, to know that.


Dealing with critical parents-in-law

Being criticised by your parents-in-law can be particularly disheartening. Young marrieds too often look up to their older relatives. You need to see the truth of such people to be able to get on with your life happily.


How do I deal with depression and loss of motivation after missing another promotion?

Missing out on promotion you really feel you deserved is disconcerting. If it happens more than once, your disappointment can turn into depression. When this happens, you need to seek help. Other paths always exist.


Obsessing about a mistake

Making a mistake can haunt us. We struggle to come to terms with our feelings of inadequacy and incompetence. But we can become more self-accepting. Self-acceptance brings peace.


Do I tell my friend her new relationship is as hopeless as all her others?

Watching a friend make the same mistake over and over is painful. You want to save her, stop her from the disaster, and save your mobile phone bill from exploding when the disaster happens. But interfering has its risks.


How to manage your teen when your marriage is over

One of the hardest challenges when you are considering separation and divorce is the effect of it on the children. Some kids take it very hard, and some can become very angry. There is an approach, however, that will work.
