How do I deal with alcohol addiction?

Alcohol addiction is far too common. Alcohol relaxes our tense muscles and helps us forget our problems. It’s easy to see why it is so addictive. But it also damages our bodies and kills off our brain cells. If we really want to avoid discomfort, especially in the long term, we will value our health.


Giving up cigarettes

What is the most effective way to give up an addiction like smoking? There is a technique that some psychologists and doctors use called motivational interviewing. Research has shown this technique to be as effective as hypnosis. The psychologist or doctor helps the client clarify the reasons she smokes and why she wants to give […]


The problem with Work Addiction

When we overwork we risk breaking down. According to a survey on work addiction by recruitment firm TMP Worldwide, approximately a third of Australian workers are addicted to their work. Typically, they arrive early, leave late and miss breaks. The survey found that many do it for recognition or in hope of receiving a promotion […]
