Incompetent key employee

I have put a lot of effort into a key employee. He changes for the better for a while but it doesn’t last. I don’t want to do the wrong thing because I was given a second chance when I was young and it made a big difference to my career. Everyone deserves a second […]


How to Handle Anxiety Attacks

Emily thinks she is dying. Her heart is pounding so hard it feels it will fly out of her chest. Her palms are sweaty, her breathing constricted, she is nauseous and dizzy, and she fears she’ll faint. The ambulance is called. At the hospital, Emily is told she’s had a panic attack. Panic attack? Anxiety […]


Threatened by attractive woman flirting with my husband

My husband is engaging and sociable and attracts other women. This has always bothered me, but it threatens to become an issue now because one woman seems determined to snare him. I trust him, but how can I make him see that this woman has more than friendship on her mind? Every time I raise it he […]


What do I do when I don’t want sex with my husband?

You said if women don’t want sex, they should open up emotionally to their husbands. I have a very healthy open, relationship with my husband. I would like to have sex but I am just not interested. Many women would like to think their lack of sexual interest is hormonal. Then they can relax and […]


How do I get my partner to stop being angry at her ex?

My girlfriend spends a lot of her time getting angry at her ex. I sympathised at first but after four months it’s just as intense. She fumes whenever anything reminds her of him. How do I help her let go? One thing is for sure: you’re not helping her by being sympathetic. Right now, your […]


How do I get my overweight partner to lose weight?

My partner and I used to have a lot of fun exercising together, but a few months ago he got a promotion at work which meant working longer hours. He stopped going to the gym with me and now he’s packing on the weight in all the wrong places. To put it bluntly, I find […]


How do I stop attracting irresponsible men?

I have just broken up with man who expected me to support him. It doesn’t seem to matter if they are professionals or tradesmen, older or younger, the men I am with all end up being weak and irresponsible. I take my career and responsibilities seriously, why can’t I find a guy like me? Finding […]


How to get control of a naughty toddler

I have a two-year-old who is always playing up. I am constantly chastising and spanking her but she just gets worse. Now I find I am yelling at the other kids who don’t really deserve it. I am exhausted. How can I get control of this child? You love your little daughter and don’t want […]


I’m Jealous of My Partner’s Friends

  I am so jealous. My partner loves cycling and rides with a mixed group of friends. I feel insecure because he doesn’t need me and I’m upset when he’s been with them. He’s fed up with my jealousy and I know it’s childish, but I can’t seem to stop it. Jealousy is fed by […]


Suicidal Ex Partner

Recently, I called off a year-long relationship with a man. Now he is calling saying he’s got nothing to live for and wanting to see me. He refuses professional help. I do believe he’s suicidal. I am concerned but I can’t lie and say I want the relationship. What do I do? Lying won’t help. […]


Do I tell him he is dying

My father is ill with a terminal disease. We’e never been close but now he seems to want to open up. I’d like to respond and build a closer relationship during this time. The problem is my emotionally fragile mother insists he not be told that he is dying. What do I do if he […]


How to disagree with the boss

Bosses come in all sorts of flavours. Some are reasonable, approachable people who are interested in what you have to say. Others are more authoritarian and expect a level of subservience. No matter how pleasant a boss may be, we are naturally wary of disagreeing with, or being critical of, the boss. There is a […]


How to deal with panic attacks

I think I am having panic attacks. My heart races and I feel dizzy, hot and sweaty. It is very scary. Sometimes I can hardly breathe and I feel like I might die. What causes it and how do I stop it? Many people in the middle of a panic attack really believe they are […]


Justice for victims of rape

Some time ago, a sentence of fifty-five years was handed down to a ringleader in a Western Sydney rape trial. This long sentence was controversial. Some commentators were highly critical of the length of the sentence. In our psychology practice, we counsel rape victims and we can see the benefit of a long sentence for the […]
