How do I deal with alcohol addiction?

Alcohol addiction is far too common. Alcohol relaxes our tense muscles and helps us forget our problems. It’s easy to see why it is so addictive. But it also damages our bodies and kills off our brain cells. If we really want to avoid discomfort, especially in the long term, we will value our health.


Losing a child

Losing a child is like the emotional equivalent of scaling Mount Everest with no preparation. Some get over this massive loss but are damaged and never the same. However it is possible to get over the loss of a child and it is important, for every parent’s peace of mind, to know that.


How do I deal with depression and loss of motivation after missing another promotion?

Missing out on promotion you really feel you deserved is disconcerting. If it happens more than once, your disappointment can turn into depression. When this happens, you need to seek help. Other paths always exist.


Are anti-depressants the best way to treat depression?

Antidepressants are often prescribed to treat depression. But they don’t work for everyone. Research tells us that even when you take antidepressants, you do best if you are undergoing therapy. We believe that depression is caused by…


How do I stop giving up?

Why do some people give up when others keep going? New research suggests it is to do with the individual’s mindset. Do you have a ‘set mindset’ or a ‘growth mindset?’ Success or not largely depends on which one you have.


Depression 2: Situational Depression

In situational depression the individual is suffering from a conflicted situation. The trigger for the depression is a specific situation that, once resolved, will have the individual back to normal. Even in situational depression there are some personality factors and beliefs or attitudes that are not serving the individual.


Depression 1: Causes

Depression is endemic in our society. At any time a large number of the community are depressed. Research tells us up to seventy percent of people in Western Countries experience a depressed period in their life lasting at least two weeks. Science does not agree on exactly what causes depression. There are indicators; there are […]


What causes depression?

Depression always involves a conflict. This conflict overwhelms us so much that we avoid thinking about it. Instead we continue on as if there is no problem at all. Usually the problem doesn’t go away, more likely, it gets worse. We suspect this. Now we work harder at distraction. Any distressing feelings are automatically buried. […]
