Understanding Victimhood

District Court Judge, Ian Wylie, in a case of domestic violence, handed down a controversial decision. In doing so, he reminded us of the futility of making a virtue of victimhood. The judge reduced the compensation awarded to a woman who lost her eye when her defacto husband attacked her with a broomstick on the […]


Obsessing about a mistake

Making a mistake can haunt us. We struggle to come to terms with our feelings of inadequacy and incompetence. But we can become more self-accepting. Self-acceptance brings peace.


What To Do When Your Partner Lacks Empathy

“I was recently involved with a narcissistic man who was completely unable to empathize/care or even think about my feelings and needs. Sometimes I would have to explain how his behavior was affecting me and he would eventually acknowledge he could see how I might feel, but never changed the behavior. Can someone be taught […]


Are anti-depressants the best way to treat depression?

Antidepressants are often prescribed to treat depression. But they don’t work for everyone. Research tells us that even when you take antidepressants, you do best if you are undergoing therapy. We believe that depression is caused by…


How do I stop giving up?

Why do some people give up when others keep going? New research suggests it is to do with the individual’s mindset. Do you have a ‘set mindset’ or a ‘growth mindset?’ Success or not largely depends on which one you have.


Do I need psychological help?

I am a self-funded retiree. My family tells me I am peculiar and would benefit from consulting a psychologist. I am extremely penny-pinching when it comes to my own temporary comfort, prefer living alone and, if angered, I have a sharp and vicious tongue. Can you suggest a direction? Are you unhappy? Your family might […]


Overcoming the legacy of a narcissistic father

I am in my late 30’s, a child of a narcissistic father with alcohol issues who was abusive towards my mother. He wasn’t the compassionate and caring father I needed. How can I become strong enough to have a normal relationship with my father and attract a man who is loving and caring, rather than […]
