He left me for a younger woman

I noticed some men leave a long-term relationship for a younger woman. It seems so wrong. What do you think? Imagine you have devoted the last twenty years to raising your family and you are looking forward to finally spending some quality time with your husband. Then, suddenly, out of the blue, he leaves you […]


Understanding Victimhood

District Court Judge, Ian Wylie, in a case of domestic violence, handed down a controversial decision. In doing so, he reminded us of the futility of making a virtue of victimhood. The judge reduced the compensation awarded to a woman who lost her eye when her defacto husband attacked her with a broomstick on the […]


Creating happy children

We think we influence our children by what we tell them. Of course, this is important. But we influence our children much more by how we say what we say, by what we don’t say, and, most importantly, by what we actually do. In effect, we are communicating to our children every moment of the day, not just when we sit down with them to have a deep and meaningful.


My partner is jealous of my past

Jealousy is one of the most difficult emotions to live with, whether you are the one who is jealous or the target of the jealousy. A jealous person harbours a deep inner insecurity. Digging this out and resolving it is possible but only if the jealous person is willing to look deeply inside him or herself.
